From the Notebook of...在线观看和下载

From the Notebook of...


  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 美国
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From the Notebook of...

“From the Notebook of … was shot in Florence and takes as its point of departure Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks and Paul Valéry’s essay on da Vinci’s process. These two elements suggest an implicit comparison between the treatment of ***** in Renaissance art and the moving image. The film marks a critical development in the artist’s work in that he repeatedly employs a series of...

发布于1998年。由Robert Beavers执导,并于1998公映的电影。


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From the Notebook of...评论

hibi 2.0 2024-09-28

Film of thoughts, film of intuitions, film is what is happening

可溶化的鱼 2024-08-15

Diary Film:其结构上的自反性明显强于梅卡斯之流

1 2011-06-14
